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Job Details
Posting Date
15/Nov/2021 Expiry Date 15/Dec/2021 Job Reference Number: 1769-2021-11-15T12:37:10
Full Professor in International Relations
CATEGORY Faculty Members College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
College Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Department International Relations Program
Job Purpose

The appointee will enable the Department of International Relations to capitalize on the significant progress it has made over the past 10 years, and enhance and consolidate its role in the academic life of the University of Sharjah, nationally and internationally. The appointee(s) will play a leadership role in enriching the Department's research agenda, securing external funding, research grants and consultancies, and expanding its teaching programs and undertaking graduate supervision.

Applications are sought from eminent candidates who can enhance the Department's research, education and societal impact within the field of International Relations (including, but not limited to security studies, international political economy, gender, diplomacy, war, and post-colonialism).

Research and teaching in the Department is methodologically and theoretically diverse, and we expect candidates to be able and willing to engage in intellectual exchanges across a range of political and IR theories and topics within the discipline. Applicants are expected to teach and supervise within the Department's educational programs within IR and/or Political Science fields

Main accountabilities & expectations

  • Provide an ongoing high level of personal commitment to, and achievement in, a particular scholarly area;
  • Conduct research, and assist with the development of research policy and the preparation of research grant applications;
  • Attract external funding, including grants, endowments and consultancies;
  • Foster the research of groups and individuals within the Department, and the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Make a contribution to teaching, including developing courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels, and the delivery of lectures and tutorials, and undertaking associated marking and administration tasks, including consultation with students;
  • Act as Advisor to students in the graduate coursework programs, and to research students;
  • Supervise students undertaking research for their Master's Degree, and PhD in the future;
  • Play an active role in the maintenance of high academic standards and in the development of educational policy and curriculum areas within the Department and the associated field of study;
  • Other duties as required, consistent with the classification for this position.

Required Skills --
Desirable Requirements

  • A PhD in International Relations or Political Science.
  • We seek individuals who have a strong record of scholarship and have the ability to develop and lead high-quality research with an outstanding track record for their career stage in both research and teaching.

Job Location University of Sharjah (Main)
Job Criteria
Qualifications Phd
Relevant Experience
Living In UAE Open for all