Job Details
Posting Date
24/Sep/2024 Expiry Date 22/Feb/2025 Job Reference Number: 2356-2024-09-24T15:24:32
Assistant/Associate/Professor in Diabetes/Endocrinology
CATEGORY Faculty Members College of Medicine
College Medicine
Department Department Of Clinical Sciences
Job Purpose
  1. Teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  2. Coordinate clinical services at the teaching hospitals.
  3. Conduct research and supervise postgraduate research projects.
Main accountabilities & expectations

  1. Teach undergraduate students
  2. Teach postgraduate students
  3. Facilitate problem-based learning
  4. Develop and update the curriculum as required
  5. Prepare different types of assessments for student evaluation
  6. Propose and conduct research projects
  7. Supervise postgraduate research projects
  8. Contribute to the clinical services of the university-affiliated hospitals
  9. Fulfill institutional expectations of teaching, service, advising, and research 
  10. Attend and participate in departmental / college meetings
  11. Communicate with postgraduate students and potential candidates
  12. Participate in Quality improvement activities and regulatory requirements for the accreditation processes​

Required Skills
High training and education capacity; research productivity and excellence; leadership and communication skills; initiative and collaborative orientation​.
Desirable Requirements


Job Location University of Sharjah (Main)
Job Criteria
Gender , Male, Female,
Qualifications Phd
Relevant Experience 5
Living In UAE Open for all
Nationality , All,